Botswana has been rated as the least corrupt country in Africa on numerous occasions.
Botswana is one of the least corrupt countries in Africa. In 2019, the Transparency International (TI) index has ranked Botswana the second least corrupt country in Africa only to be topped by Seychelles. In many African countries, corruption is hindering economic growth and development. Even though many African Countries are attempting to fight corruption, still corruption is pervasive and prevalent in many African countries. Also, corruption harms trade and stifle investment in Africa.
While many resource-rich African Countries suffer from Corruption, this is not the case when it comes to Botswana, the second-largest diamond producer in the world- and you might wonder why this is the case.
Botswana’s Answer to Corruption
According to TI, one of the main reasons why corruption is less pervasive in Botswana is because Botswana has a well-functioning democratic and governance system that allows the country to build strong institutions. Moreover, there is a high political will to fight corruption in the country by cutting red tape, increasing transparency, and pass measures to constrain corrupt behaviour in the country.
Besides, Botswana has passed several legislations to combat corruption in the country including the Corruption and Economic Act (1994), the Proceeds and Instruments of Crime Act (2014), and the Whistleblowing Act (2016).
Furthermore, just last year Botswana passed the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Act (2019) that force government authorities and head of ‘private enterprises’ to declare their liabilities and assets to prevent and detect corruption.
Additionally, Botswana has also established a Specialized Corruption Court as a part of a division of the High Court. The creation of this Specialized Corruption Court helps Botswana to resolve corruption cases promptly and efficiently.
Since independence Botswana has put a lot of work to build strong institutions to fight corruption. As a result, the country is one of the best-governed countries where institutions work and resources are well utilized. Many African countries have a whole lot to learn from Botswana, the country that is described as ‘a champion of the anti-corruption Agenda.’
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